Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Who Let Them Out Of The Zoo?....

Deepavali Pics

Below are some long overdue pics of what I did during the recent Deepavali holidays. I won't say much (that's a first!), but I'll let the pictures do most of the 'talking'. After all, a picture is worth a thousand chapatis.

I won't even bother trying to explain that last sentence.


Waterfall in Bentong

(above: Ever let a guy stab a plastic fork up your posterior? Some people do so willingly...*shudder*)

(above: Ahhh, smiles all around. Dan the Man is in high spirits)

(above: Daniel and Cheng Jin auditioning for a role in Baywatch. Note: Nobody drowned in the capturing of this photo...darn it!)

(above: Janice and Rogue. Guess which is which.)

(above: Ye gads! Somebody call security! A hideous beast is on the loose!)

(above: 2 Yaps are not better than 1...hahahah)

(above: Everybody loves dogs.)

Celebration in Zouk

(above: Ahhh, the birthday boy (or should I say 'old fart'...hahah). On the brink of turning 30 and he can still muster a smile. Such a brave lad.)

(above: Me and Young, the birthday dude. He is still smiling, the poor soul. I think he is in denial.)

(above: Wow! Who's the gorgeous person in the photo?... ..... ..... and that's his girlfriend on the left )

(above: Ben and Karen showing why alcohol is good for you.)

(above: Don't believe this photo, it is fake. The guy isn't that tall in real life.)


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