'Am I Gay?'
Woah, before you get all excited, let me clearly state that I am not in any way questioning my sexual-orientation. It's just that I've recently come across this blog posting which talked about Dr. Dobson's latest guide on how to tell if your child is gay. After reading through his list of so-called 'gay warning signs', I can't help but roll my eyes (figuratively of course. I can't roll my eyes in real life, and we all know that only gay guys can roll their eyes right?). Why? read the list below for yourself (the list below together with the comments were taken from this blog here)
1) Your boy has a strong feeling he is "different from other boys." As we all know, boys must feel exactly like all other boys, or else they are clearly homosexual.
2) "A tendency to cry easily, be less athletic, and dislike the roughhousing that other boys enjoy." Of course, on a relative scale, some boys are bound to be less athletic than others. Well, sorry. These boys are gay.
3) "A persistent preference to play female roles in make-believe play." When you see him play cowboys and Indians, and he wants to be the squaw... uh, oh.
4) "A strong preference to spend time in the company of girls and participate in their games and other pastimes." For example, boys must never play with their sisters. Isn't that the leading cause of homosexuality right there?
5) "A susceptibility to be bullied by other boys, who may tease them unmercifully and call them 'queer,' 'fag' and 'gay.'" Yes, parents, if the kid next door calls your son a fag, then he is. Four year-old neighbors have a sixth sense: They see gay people.
6) "A tendency to walk, talk, dress and even 'think' effeminately." Effeminate thinking is destroying our nation; someone better tell Condoleeza Rice.
7). "A repeatedly stated desire to be -- or insistence that he is -- a girl." This is the clearest sign. Apparently, your young homosexual will actually announce his sexual orientation by telling you, while drinking his juicy-juice, that he is actually a girl. Not a gay. A girl.
'Girly Men'
I understand what Dr.Dobson is trying to achieve here, but frankly I think his methods might be a bit misguided. The list above doesn't do anything other than oversimplify the whole issue of homosexuality. To call a boy who shuns rough activities a gay is just plain wrong. I know of many guys who might be considered 'soft' or 'effeminate' but they are certainly not gay in any way. However, if their parents had read the list above, they would have most probably been wisked off to some gay-therapist when they were young. Talk about tramautic.
Anyway, read through the actual post here. Pay attention to some of the comments, hilarious.
What are my views on homosexuality then? Where do I stand in the ongoing debate over 'nature vs nurture'? Are gays born they way they are, or does upbringing play a part in determining their sexual orientation? Is it wrong to be gay? Sorry to disappoint all you curious readers out there, but I think I'll save it for another post :)